Welcome to Dellwa
Your Reliable OEM & ODM Partner
With highly pursued of hi-end and deluxe quality essence, Dellwa helps global clients to achieve special project and provide excellent service to acquire customer’s satisfaction globally.

About Dellwa
From global semiconductor components to OEM/ODM of flash and storage solution provider
Our Location
8F., No. 866-9, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235601 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Our Vision
Fully support but not ingratiate our clients, sustain and qualified supplying, inspire and devote for a better world and humanity.
Contact Us
+886 29205555
Our Product Lines

Highly reliable, high endurance flash storage device which conforms to the SD Associations

Industrial SD Card
Original NAND flash ic from major brand supplier. Oem USB or ODM USB both welcome.